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Primary QC

Create a comprehensive primary quality check document

Step-by-step Guide

  1. From the pending tab of the QC dashboard, click the item batch on which primary QC has to be performed.
  2. The QC Details page opens with the side panel for performing primary QC opened up. Enter the QC acceptance quantity.⁠
  3. In case of any rejections, enter the rejection reason and click confirm.⁠


How can a primary QC be performed?

From the Pending tab of the QC dashboard, select the item for which Primary QC is to be performed. Fill in the fields on the QC pane on the right side of the page and click Submit.

What is the maximum batch size for which QC can be performed?

The maximum batch size for which QC can be performed = GR Accepted Quantity - (Total QC Rejected Quantity + Total Production Line Accepted Quantity (if any)). This is because:

  • Rejected quantity cannot be QC-ed as it has already been returned.
  • If something has been accepted in the production line, then it has probably been used up and hence it cannot be QC-ed.
Why is the confirm button disabled for creating a QC?

The confirm button for QC is disabled in the following cases:

  • When QC quantity exceeds the maximum quantity on which QC can be performed.
  • When QC accepted quantity exceeds the available QC quantity.
  • When QC rejected quantity > 0 and rejection reason hasn’t been entered.
  • Mandatory custom field(s) have not been filled.
  • Mandatory checklist has not been filled.
Where can I view the QC that I just completed?

Check the Completed tab of the QC dashboard to view completed QCs.

Can I search QCs by their ARN ID?

Yes, QCs can be searched by ARN ID on the Completed tab of the QC dashboard.

What happens when I reject some quantity of an item while performing QC after completing the payment for it?

A credit is generated against the seller with type as 'QC Rejection'. This credit can be used while making payments for this seller.

Can I upload files while performing QC?

Yes, attachments can be added via the QC pane on the right side of the QC details page.

How do I fill the checklist for an item while performing a quality check?

Users may need to fill one or multiple checklists per item as defined in Admin settings.
Checklist can be filled for an item by clicking the checklist icon on the QC pane. All the mandatory fields for a checklist need to be filled in order to complete the quality check.

What happens when some quantity is rejected during quality check?

FW tracks RFQ quantities end-to-end from Events to Purchase Orders, Invoices, Goods Receipts, Quality Checks, and Payments.

Buyers have the flexibility to choose how to handle rejected quantities.

If a new delivery is requested, the supplier can create a new invoice against the requested quantity. If the rejected quantity is terminated, no further actions can be taken by either side.

Payment flows are optimized to ensure buyers pay only for accepted quantities.



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