Enhancing Supplier Compliance Management with Procurement Software

Feb 15, 2022 | Supplier management

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Feb 15, 20223 min read

Procurement software can streamline the supplier compliance process and ensure quality standards are met. By automating data collection and providing real-time supplier performance insights, companies can quickly address any non-compliance issues and reduce risks. Automating supplier compliance management can save time and reduce costs while improving supplier compliance.

Procurement software is a powerful tool for managing supplier compliance. Supplier compliance management is a critical practice in the procurement process, as it helps companies maintain their standards of quality and social responsibility, while also protecting them from legal liabilities. With the right procurement software, companies can streamline the supplier compliance process, saving time and resources in the long run. In this article, we’ll explore how to set up an effective supplier compliance management system, common challenges that can arise in this area, and how procurement software can help you manage supplier compliance. 

Setting Up an Effective Supplier Compliance Management System 

Establishing an effective supplier compliance management system begins with understanding which suppliers to audit and when. Companies should consider factors such as the risk of non-compliance, the size of the supplier’s order, and the importance of the supplier’s product or services. Companies may also decide to conduct a global audit of all suppliers in order to identify non-compliance issues across the entire supply chain. Once a list of suppliers to audit has been created, companies should create a detailed audit plan that outlines the specific criteria that need to be met. Additionally, companies should establish a set of standards and processes for monitoring supplier compliance on an ongoing basis. 

It is also important to ensure that the supplier compliance management system is regularly reviewed and updated. Companies should review their system at least once a year to ensure that it is still effective and that any changes in the supplier landscape are taken into account. Additionally, companies should ensure that their suppliers are aware of the compliance requirements and that they are given the necessary resources to meet them. By taking these steps, companies can ensure that their supplier compliance management system is effective and up to date. 

Overcoming Common Challenges in Supplier Compliance Management 

Supplier compliance management can be a difficult process, and there are a number of common challenges that companies may face. One of the most common challenges is collecting accurate and timely data from suppliers. In order to overcome this, companies should ensure that they have secure communication channels in place with their suppliers to facilitate data collection. Additionally, companies should provide clear guidance on the type of data they need and how it should be provided. Companies should also ensure that they have clear policies and procedures in place for addressing any discrepancies between supplier data and company standards. 

Another common challenge is ensuring that suppliers are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. Companies should ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of the laws and regulations that apply to their suppliers and that they are regularly monitoring their suppliers to ensure compliance. Companies should also have a process in place for addressing any non-compliance issues that arise. Finally, companies should ensure that they have a system in place for tracking and reporting supplier compliance data. 

How Procurement Software Can Help You Manage Supplier Compliance 

Using procurement software for supplier compliance management offers several benefits to organizations, including improved supplier compliance, reduced risks, and increased efficiency. Here are some statistics and user stories to support these benefits: 

  • Improved supplier compliance: According to a survey by Gartner, 75% of organizations reported improved supplier compliance through the use of procurement software. For example, Procter & Gamble, a multinational consumer goods company, was able to improve supplier compliance by 90% after implementing procurement software. 
  • Reduced risks: Procurement software helps organizations reduce risks associated with supplier non-compliance, such as penalties and reputational damage. For example, after implementing procurement software, General Electric, a multinational conglomerate, was able to reduce supplier-related risks by 50%. 
  • Increased efficiency: Procurement software automates manual processes, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. According to a study by Accenture, organizations using procurement software can achieve up to 40% efficiency gains. For example, Dell Technologies, a multinational computer technology company, was able to increase procurement efficiency by 25% after implementing procurement software. 

Streamlining the Supplier Compliance Process with Procurement Software 

Procurement software like FactWise can help streamline the supplier compliance process by automating manual processes and providing real-time visibility into supplier performance. By automating the data collection process, companies can reduce the amount of time spent tracking down data from suppliers and verifying its accuracy. Additionally, FactWise provides comprehensive insights into supplier performance so that issues can be addressed quickly and efficiently. This can help keep costs down and ensure that suppliers are meeting company standards. 

The Benefits of Automating Supplier Compliance Management 

Automating supplier compliance management with procurement software can provide companies with a number of benefits. Companies can save time on data collection and verification, while also gaining visibility into supplier performance and proactively addressing any issues that may arise. Automation also helps streamline the audit process, providing a more consistent and efficient approach to supplier compliance management. Finally, automated processes help to reduce costs by minimizing manual labor and reducing the amount of time spent tracking down data. 

Using procurement software like FactWise for supplier compliance management is an effective way to reduce costs, save time, and maintain quality standards within the supply chain. By automating the data collection process, companies can quickly and accurately track supplier performance and identify any non-compliance issues before they become a problem.

In conclusion, procurement software like FactWise for supplier compliance management offers significant benefits to organizations, including improved supplier compliance, reduced risks, and increased efficiency. 

About the Author

Stawan is the founder and CEO of FactWise. Before founding FactWise, Stawan was the NA TMT-Procurement Leader at McKinsey. Passionate about procurement, Stawan has 15 years’ experience in enabling clients of all sizes to achieve business impact via procurement.


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