The Future of Procurement Outsourcing: Opportunities and Challenges

Sep 21, 2021 | Future of procurement

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Sep 21, 20213 min read

Procurement outsourcing is a growing trend that offers companies cost savings, increased efficiency, and access to new markets. However, it presents challenges such as data privacy, cultural differences, quality control, and balancing cost with innovation. To overcome these challenges and reap benefits, companies need to choose the right outsourcing partners and implement effective relationship management strategies.

Procurement outsourcing is becoming an increasingly appealing option for businesses across the globe. With growing pressure to remain cost-effective and flexible, companies are turning to external vendors for support. This trend brings numerous benefits and opportunities, but it also brings challenges. In this article, we'll explore the current trends in procurement outsourcing and explore how companies can overcome the challenges. 


  • Increased use of technology and automation: Companies are leveraging technology to automate manual procurement processes, such as purchase order creation and invoice processing. For example, a company may use an AI-powered platform to automate the sourcing process, which can save time and increase efficiency. 
  • Greater focus on sustainability and ethical sourcing: As consumers become more conscious of the impact of their purchasing decisions, companies are looking for procurement outsourcing partners that align with their values. For instance, a company may choose a supplier that uses eco-friendly materials and practices sustainable manufacturing processes. 
  • Rising demand for flexible and scalable solutions: With the increasing pace of change in the business world, companies need procurement outsourcing partners that can quickly adjust to changing market conditions. For example, a company may need to ramp up production quickly in response to rising demand, and a flexible procurement outsourcing partner can help them do so. 
  • Expansion into new regions: Companies are looking to tap into new markets to increase their reach and take advantage of lower costs. For example, a company may choose to outsource its procurement operations to a partner in Southeast Asia to access a large pool of skilled workers and take advantage of lower labor costs. 


  • Ensuring data privacy and security: Companies handling sensitive information through procurement outsourcing need to ensure that their data is protected. For example, a company may need to encrypt sensitive information and implement strict security protocols to prevent unauthorized access to their data. 
  • Managing cultural differences: Companies working with procurement outsourcing partners from different countries and regions may face challenges in communicating effectively and building trust. For example, a company may need to adapt its communication style to accommodate different time zones and cultural norms. 
  • Maintaining control over quality and compliance: Companies relying on external partners for critical procurement processes need to ensure that they maintain control over quality and compliance. For example, a company may need to implement regular audits and monitoring processes to ensure that its procurement outsourcing partner is meeting its standards. 
  • Balancing cost savings with the need for innovation and differentiation: Companies need to strike a balance between cost savings and the need for innovation and differentiation to stay competitive. For example, a company may need to invest in more advanced technology and processes to stay ahead of the curve, even if it means incurring higher costs. 

Benefits of Outsourcing Procurement 

Outsourcing can greatly improve the efficiency of procurement operations. Companies that opt to outsource this aspect of their business stand to benefit from expertise in areas such as price comparisons, financial control, and market research. An external vendor may also be able to access more attractive opportunities, such as bulk buying discounts, than those available to internal staff. In addition to these tangible benefits, experts suggest that outsourcing can also offer intangible benefits such as improved customer service and increased capacity for innovation. 

Outsourcing procurement can also help to reduce costs, as external vendors are often able to provide services at a lower cost than internal staff. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses, as it allows them to access the same level of expertise as larger companies without having to invest in additional staff or resources. Furthermore, outsourcing can help to reduce the risk of fraud and other unethical practices, as external vendors are subject to the same regulations and standards as internal staff. 

In conclusion, procurement outsourcing is a growing trend that offers companies numerous benefits, such as cost savings, increased efficiency, and access to new markets. However, it also presents several challenges that companies need to overcome to ensure a successful outsourcing relationship. These challenges include ensuring data privacy and security, managing cultural differences, maintaining control over quality and compliance, and balancing cost savings with the need for innovation and differentiation. To overcome these challenges and realize the full potential of procurement outsourcing, companies need to carefully choose their outsourcing partners and implement effective strategies for managing their relationships. By doing so, they can reap the many benefits of procurement outsourcing and stay ahead in a competitive and rapidly evolving business landscape. 

FactWise Source-to-Pay is an end-to-end cloud-based procurement solution that can be used for internal and outsourced teams to collaborate efficiently and effectively. Internal teams and leaders can maintain oversight, work with, and gain insight into the outsourced team’s operations, and outsourced teams can negotiate better rates by bundling clients’ requirements and leveraging economies of scale. Supplier networks can be grown significantly, and supplier management can be improved easily. 

At FactWise, we are committed to building truly distinctive procurement software solutions that delight users and provide sustainable positive impact to the organizations we serve. We do this by providing transparency and insights to leaders (31% increase in governance), streamlining and automating processes to improve efficiency (20% increase in efficiency), and driving bottom-line impact by unlocking savings potential (25% cost reduction for direct spend).  

About the Author

Stawan is the founder and CEO of FactWise. Before founding FactWise, Stawan was the NA TMT-Procurement Leader at McKinsey. Passionate about procurement, Stawan has 15 years’ experience in enabling clients of all sizes to achieve business impact via procurement.


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