9 Benefits of Gamification in Procurement

Jun 21, 2022 | Procurement tools and solutions

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Jun 21, 20222 min read

Procurement gamification uses game design elements to motivate and engage employees, suppliers and customers in procurement processes. Benefits include cost savings, improved supplier performance, increased employee engagement, better compliance, and increased innovation.

Procurement gamification refers to the use of game design elements and mechanics, such as points, leaderboards, and rewards, in procurement processes to motivate and engage employees, suppliers, and customers. Gamification can provide a wide range of benefits for organizations, including cost savings, improved supplier performance, and increased employee engagement. 

  • Cost savings: Gamification can help organizations achieve cost savings by motivating employees and suppliers to find new and innovative ways to reduce costs. For example, companies like Cisco Systems have been able to achieve significant cost savings by gamifying their procurement processes and encouraging employees to find new and innovative ways to reduce costs. 
  • Improved supplier performance: Gamification can help organizations improve supplier performance by providing real-time visibility into supplier performance, such as on-time delivery and quality. This can help organizations make better decisions about which suppliers to continue doing business with. 
  • Increased employee engagement: Gamification can help increase employee engagement by making procurement processes more fun and interactive. This can help employees feel more invested in the procurement process and motivated to find new and innovative ways to reduce costs. 
  • Better compliance: Gamification can help organizations comply with laws and regulations related to procurement, such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) rules. 
  • Better collaboration: Gamification can help organizations collaborate more effectively with suppliers, vendors and internal stakeholders. This can help organizations make better decisions about sourcing, purchase orders, invoicing and payments. 
  • Increased innovation: Gamification can increase innovation by encouraging employees and suppliers to think creatively and find new and innovative solutions. 
  • Better data management: Gamification can also help organizations manage data more effectively by encouraging employees and suppliers to input data in real-time and make it more accessible and actionable. 
  • Reduced costs: By gamifying procurement processes, companies can see a reduction in costs associated with procurement and better supplier relations. 
  • Increased productivity: Gamification can increase productivity by making procurement processes more efficient and reducing the time and resources required to complete them. 

In summary, procurement gamification is the use of game design elements and mechanics in procurement processes to motivate and engage employees, suppliers, and customers. FactWise Source-to-Pay provides a wide range of benefits for organizations such as cost savings, improved supplier performance, increased employee engagement, better compliance, better collaboration, increased innovation, better data management, reduced costs and increased productivity. Companies like Cisco Systems have already been able to achieve significant cost savings by gamifying their procurement processes. 

About the Author

Stawan is the founder and CEO of FactWise. Before founding FactWise, Stawan was the NA TMT-Procurement Leader at McKinsey. Passionate about procurement, Stawan has 15 years’ experience in enabling clients of all sizes to achieve business impact via procurement.


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